If you are looking for pet insurance, you have several different options. Pet insurance works a little bit differently than the insurance you might have for your own health. Pet insurance works more like insurance for a product such as your smartphone. You pay a fee to be covered by an insurance company, and they will offer you several plans to choose from which cover different situations. When one of those situations occurs, you will take your pet to the vet and have him or her treated. The insurance company will then reimburse you up to the agreed-upon amount. Most of them will pay about 80% of your veterinarian fees. You can also choose to keep your premiums low by opting for an excess. An excess is a yearly fee that covers any unrelated condition for which you file a claim. One of the most comprehensive types of insurance is routine care. Read on to find out what’s included.
Routine Care
Routine care cover pet insurance is one of the most comprehensive and expensive types of pet insurance because it covers recurring issues. Instead of just accidents or rare illnesses, routine care cover applies to many different scenarios.
For a young pet, the most common treatments they receive are de-sexing and microchipping. These are routine procedures that help keep your pet healthy and safe. A microchip will help you locate your pet should he or she ever become lost. Preventative medicine is also included in routine care.
Preventative Care
A little bit of prevention goes much further than a lot of treatment. Therefore, it’s important to make sure that you keep your pet healthy with comprehensive preventative care. Heartworms are a serious threat to all animals, and they can be prevented with heartworm medication. However, that medication has to be taken on a routine basis, with some types of medication needing to be taken monthly. Those repeated payments could get to be fairly expensive over time. You can help defray those costs by buying insurance that will cover part of the expense.
Furthermore, there are expenses such as claw removals, teeth cleaning, grooming, and dietary needs. If you have insurance for your pet, you will not only be able to provide your pet with care for less money, you’ll also be more encouraged to take your pet to the veterinarian because the expenses are covered. That will likely result in a happier and healthier pet. While your pet might not enjoy going to the vet, they will appreciate the level of care they receive.
You can also take your pet in for professional care for smaller issues that you might normally avoid. For example, you can take your pet to the veterinarian for professional flea and tick medication instead of buying over-the-counter medication. The professional solution will be more effective as well as tailored to your pet.